Rune Essences Stock Essences comes in 15 ml. Dropper bottles at NOK 120.- each.
1. Mannaz Choose who you are
Mannaz promotes clarity and willingness to change. It helps you look at yourself honestly and accept what is without prejudice. You may then choose who you are, who you wish to become, and discard what is obsolete.
2. Gebo Freedom to be who you are
Gebo helps you retain a whole and strong sense of yourself in the relationships you choose. In love, friendship, business and elsewhere in life. Gebo strengthens your courage to be true to your heart in the face of external expectations.
3. Ansuz Self-perception
Do you want to search for different options? Reveal the subconscious motives which inspire your less than optimal choices? These are aspects of self-perception, which is the power focused by Ansuz.
4. Othila Radical severance of outmoded habits
When you wish to break habits of thinking, being or doing, Othila may help you. Othila works to release self-imposed limitations which have become habitual, so that you may set yourself free to grow again.
5. Uruz Strength to discover new beginnings
Uruz gives the strength to master change. It helps you dare to grow and become strong; to dare to succeed. Growth and change may involve old fears erupting as part of the circle of renewal. Uruz empowers courage and strength to discover new beginnings.
6. Perth Become the watcher within
Perth helps you break out of the culturally imposed mental imprisonment consciousness of thoughts, emotions and body. Perth teaches you to elevate your point of perception to the level of the silence within, to your Spirit.
7. Nauthiz Unveil your shadows
Nauthiz helps you identify your shadow. We see in others traits we dare not face in our self, thus they annoy or inspire us. Our Spirit creates opportunities to re-explore these issues until we embrace and either release or integrate them. Your world is your mirror.
8. Inguz Smooth growth from old to new
As you break free from old obstructions, subconscious habits and face your shadows, Inguz quickens your intuitive faculties. Inguz will help you harmonize and adjust to the transition from who you were to who you are becoming.
9. Eihwaz Empowered action
Eihwaz strengthens your ability to foresee consequences before you act. Avoid difficulties and maximise potential through correct action. Once the decision comes from your heart, Love supports and empowers that which you create in your life.
10. Algiz Emotional balance
Algiz help you regain control of your emotions and help you weather storms and break patterns which no longer serve you. Algiz will seek to restore your ability to experience emotions like joy and love.
11. Fehu Consolidate success
Fehu helps you explore what is important in your life. Is this important for you or for others? When you achieve something Fehu can help you consolidate it. When something dwindles away, Fehu can show you why.
12. Wunjo Kjærligheten flommer
Wunjo åpner for fri flyt av den universelle kjærlighetsenergien – bådeslik at du bedre kan ta den imot, men også slik at du kan gi den videre. Runen arbeider for å oppdatere din energistruktur slik at det blir mulig for deg å komme videre i din utvikling. Denne runeessensen brukes som fokus i de aller fleste terapeutiske blandingen vi lager til våre kunder.
13. Jera Successful harvest
Jera will help ripen and harvest the fruits of what you let grow in your heart. Whether it is an aspect of yourself you are working to change, a friendship you are building, or a business idea you are developing.
14. Kano Light in dark places
Kano will help you find clear purpose and intent when you wish to initiate a new endeavour, or when you are fumbling blindly in the dark. Kano may also help you bring light to old wounds, and thus help you access and cleanse them.
15. Teiwaz Spiritual Warrior
Teiwaz helps you accept responsibility for all aspects of your life. It helps you find cause within yourself and stop blaming others. Teiwaz is a spiritual sword which enables you to cut away expired, dead and extraneous aspects in order to become a stronger source of Love in this world.
16. Berkana Fertile Growth
Berkana helps you develop what is growing in your heart. It may be used at any stage in a growth process to encourage and develope growth. Berkana helps you maintain clear and balanced motives, and release subconscious doubt
17. Ehwaz Smooth transition
Ehwaz is about transit and change. A new dwelling place, a new job, a new attitude. A journey. You may call on Ehwaz to smoothen a present or pending transition, or the effects of a past one.
18. Laguz Ease into the flow of life
Laguz connects you deeply both with your intuitiveness and with Love. Everywhere natural flow is hindered by too much intellect, too little patience or too little attention to your own heart, Laguz can relieve ease tensions and ease you back into the natural flow.
19. Hagalaz Radical discontinuity
Hagalaz is the great awakener. Use this rune when you need change, when you experience a pressing need to break free from obstruction, known or unknown. Whatever happens, know that the change serves you on the pat you have chosen.
20. Raido Awakens knowing through oneness
Raido embodies connectedness, the knowing that we are all one in Love, but unique in expression of Spirit. Raido promotes communication from Love, where all are one, increases our intuitive understanding, and reduces the confusion of separation.
21. Thurisaz Clarity of Silence
Thurisaz guides you through silence. When thoughts and feelings are silent, there is clarity. In this clarity you can observe thoughts and emotions, let go of what does not serve you, and find what makes your heart sing.
22. Dagaz Support in fundamental change
When you recognize a major opportunity for a breakthrough on your spiritual path, use Dagaz. Dagaz can boost your courage to jump into, and support your passage through fundamental changes within yourself.
23. Isa Icebreaker
Isa facilitates release of aspects of your personal I, which are so close to you that you’re effectively blind to them. What you cannot see is difficult to deliberately release, and that is where Isa may help you by freezing these aspects so that they break away.
24. Sowelu Self-realization
Sowelu embodies a vibration which pulls you towards expressing who you truly are. Express it in a creative way. Be free. Be true to your heart. Sowelu calls you to self-realization.
25. The blank Rune Infinite potential
In its blankness is held infinite potential, the totality of existence. It is a willed surrender to Spirit with unconditional permission for Love to give progress form.